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a??In New York, therea??s this drive to be the best in everything, and some dads are parenting their kids in hyper ways,a?? says Dr. Timothy Verduin from NYUa??s Child Study Center. a??Theya??re competitive about researching what kind of car to get, what their apartmenta??s property value is, and they also want to make sure their kida??s experience is the best.a??
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But for some, things are not so simple. Those with kinetic disabilities have always had to ask for help to enjoy the simple pleasure of swimming in the sea as wheelchairs cannot be driven on the sand or over pebbles. Unfortunately, this isn’t unusual in a country where access facilities for the disabled are in general very poor, even at the most basic level. A lack of infrastructure by the state and hostile behavior by many locals is a cocktail poisoning the daily life of those who depend on wheelchairs to get around.





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