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A 2009 report by John McLaren, a co-architect of the Scotland Act, found that the country's health service and education system had slipped further behind England's in the first decade of devolution.
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Investors are also gaining comfort from the "slowlyincreasing" number of good quality managers handling deals inAfrica, said a senior private equity executive who said at leastfive endowments had made commitments to his firm's latest fund.
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Many patients are unaware of the prices private insurance plans pay to medical providers. Scrutiny of costs is growing as the 2010 Affordable Care Act seeks to expand health coverage nationwide while lowering treatment costs. Health care spending in the U.S. reached almost $2.6 trillion in 2010, more than 10 times what was spent in 1980, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

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Previous government shutdowns have generally been brief -usually just a few days - and the memory of a late agreement toavert the fiscal cliff in 2012 explains to some extent thesanguine response thus far.

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Lianna Etkind from the group said it had chosen this time to single out what it saw as a particularly damaging area of cuts to public spending. The Ministry of Justice has pledged to reduce the legal aid bill by ?£220m annually by 2018, with legal groups expressing worries that the economies could limit poorer people's access to good legal advice.
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In a deal meant to avert a threatened U.S. military strike, U.S. and Russian officials reached an ambitious agreement over the weekend calling for an inventory of Syria's chemical weapons program within one week. All components of Syria's chemical weapons program are to be removed from the country or destroyed by mid-2014. The Syrian government has yet to issue an official statement on the agreement.
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